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Our Team

Our Co-Founders

WhatsApp Image 2021-01-31 at 8.47.00 PM.

Joy Chi

Hi, my name is Joy! I am currently a 10th grade student at Phillips Exeter Academy in the U.S.. I love taking inspiration from books I've read, places I've travelled to and people I've met and turning them into art in some shape, way or form, especially using photography! Mental health issues are no doubt a prevalent but also often overlooked problem, and my hope is to raise awareness for them through encouraging the community to share their stories and also by providing necessary resources.


Natalie Fu


I am Natalie Fu and I am currently a high school student studying in Hong Kong at Harrow International School and am extremely passionate about practicing mindfulness! I also really like participating in outdoor activities during my free time! One of my favourite outdoor activities would have to be equestrian and water skiing!

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